Wang Mingming

Wang Mingming is Professor of Anthropology at Peking University and specially appointed Distinguished Professor of Ethnology at Yunnan Minzu University. His main ethnographic and historiographic research has been done in Southeast and Southwest China. His recent interests include different perspectives

Wang Jing

Wang Jing est doctorante en anthropologie à l’Université Paris Sciences et Lettres. Ses travaux s’inscrivent au croisement de l’institutionnalisation d’une culture dans un pays d’accueil et des circulations transnationales des savoir-faire Chine-France, dont le patrimoine immatériel et sa mise en

Chen Bo

Chen Bo is Associate Professor and director of the Institute of Anthropology at Sichuan University. His research focuses on Tibetan-speaking areas, extending from Nepalese Himalayan areas to the Kham and Amdo borders.

Aga Zuoshi

Aga Zuoshi is Research Associate at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore and a doctoral researcher at University of Oxford. Trained in anthropology and development studies, her study focuses on the ethnic minorities’ involvement with social development in

Xu Lufeng

Xu Lufeng est doctorant à l’Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales. Ses thèmes de recherche portent principalement sur la sociologie religieuse (bouddhisme chinois moderne et contemporain) et sur l’anthropologie sociale et historique (corps, rituel et société).

Ji Zhe

Ji Zhe is Professor of Sociology in the Chinese Studies Department of the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations and Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Buddhism. His current research is focused on Buddhism in modern and